Police K9 Tactical First Aid and Advance Life Support
Information provided by Partners and Paws Veterinary Service

Normal K9 Health Values

Normal K9 Temperature

100F - 102.5F (up to104F while working)

Pulse Rate at Rest (Large Adult Breed)

60-80 bpm

Respiratory Rate

Adult 14-16 Breaths Per Minute

Blood Volume (95lbs Dog) 3,600 Ml of blood

Heatstroke - Heat Emergency

Cause: Overexertion; Overexposure to the Sun; Unventilated Vehicle Confinement

Treatment if rectal temperature is > 105F

  1. Allow to drink water
  2. Give cool bath/hose down
  3. Place by fan/air conditioning


Advance Life Support (if trained and/or Certified in Advanced K9 Life Support)

  1. Administer one liter of Normal Saline or Lactated Ringers subcutaneous in the scruff of the neck.
  2. Check Temperature and transport to Veterinarian Hospital.


K9 Seizures

Cause: Toxin Ingestion, Head Trauma, Infection, Epilepsy


Can be Focal (Face Only or General (Whole Body)

  1. Convulsions
  2. Slight twitching of the head and/or legs
  3. Falling Over / Unable to get up
  4. Urinating and Defecating uncontrollably
  5. Excessive Drooling



  1. Stops within 1-2 minutes
  2. Can still tremble afterward
  3. Disorientation
  4. Recovery within a few minute


Seek veterinary care if:

  1. If seizures last longer than 5 minutes
  2.  If multiple seizures within 24hours.


Do not induce vomiting if seizing

Bloat - Stomach Dilatation

Cause: No one particular activity leads to Bloat


  1. Distended abdomen
  2. Retching / Inability to Vomit
  3. Heavy Panting
  4. Pacing / Unable to lie down
  5. Give cool bath/hose down
  6. Place by fan/air conditioning


 Transport to Veterinarian Hospital immediately!!!



Advance Life Support (if trained and/or Certified in Advanced K9 Life Support)

Trocarization (Stomach Decompression)
  1. Feel for the stomach on the right side behind last rib
  2. Confirm location with ausculting a "ping"
  3. Place 18 gage needle into stomach
  4. Firmly press down on stomach to release pressure
  5. Transport to Veterinarian Hospital immediately


This is a "Life Threatening" situation. Time is of the essence.


Toxin Exposure

NOTE: Whenever possible, bring toxin with you for the veterinarian to assess.


Topical Toxin

  1. Quickly rinse coat off with water
  2. If available, wash off with dish soap (Dawn)
  3. Wear gloves when handling dog
  4. Transport to Veterinarian Hospital immediately!


Ingested Toxin

  1. Induce vomiting with Apomorphine capsules
  2. Give charcoal to absorb toxin
  3. Transport to Veterinarian Hospital immediately!


Inhaled Toxin

  1. Rinse face and muzzle
  2. Bring dog outside into fresh air
  3. Monitor for labored breathing
  4. Transport to Veterinarian Hospital immediately!


Basic Toxin

  1. Baker's Chocolate or Dark Chocolate are most concerning - Toxicity based on amount
  2. Grapes (can cause kidney problems)
  3. Mushrooms  (Certain Type)
  4. Pain Meds - Aspirin, Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Naproxen, etc.
  5. Sugar Free Gum - causes low blood sugar and liver problems



  1. Induce vomiting with Apomorphine capsules
  2. Give charcoal to absorb toxin
  3. Transport to Veterinarian Hospital immediately!


Allergic Reaction



  1. Facial swelling
  2. Hives over stomach/face/back
  3. excessive scratching
  4. Vomiting



  1. Give a dose of Benadryl 100mg orally for 50 lbs. dog
  2. If symptoms persist, transport to Veterinarian Hospital immediately!